The MP Basketball Player

mp_basketballplayerThe MP basketball player is a young man with pride in himself as a student, an athlete, a member of their family, school and community. He, as a member of the basketball program, not only represents himself and his family, but also his fellow teammates, coaches, peers, administration and staff. As our program continues to grow and prosper, he will constantly be in the eye of his fellow students, the faculty and student body. He shall be a leader and conduct himself in such a manner as to be praised, not as a basketball player, but more importantly as a young man.

The MP basketball player has goals for himself as a student, player and man. To attain those goals, he bases his life-style on hard work, 100% effort, sacrifice, second effort, determination, punctuality and persistence. Just as these ideals will bring championships on the court, they will also reap rewards in the classroom and earn him greater respect as an individual in society.

The MP basketball player always has his head up; he looks his fellow man and the world in the eye. He is a class man in a class program. His priorities are always in the proper order; Family first, School second, Basketball third.

Congratulations and welcome to the Pride.